LHM – November 2018 Message

Brothers and Sisters in Christ
“What would life be like if we had no courage to attempt anything”…………V. Van Gogh

Last year 2017 was a year of great excitement as we celebrated 100 years of mission and ministry through the Lutheran Laymen’s League/Lutheran Hour Ministries.  We reflect on past memories and look forward to the opportunities on the horizon to share Christ’s love with lost and hurting people around the world.  God has used the Lutheran Hour Ministries to bring messages of hope.  We have taken the bold step of faith and risen to the challenges to proclaim the Savior.  Today, the need to boldly proclaim the love of Christ is greater than ever.  Lutheran Hour Ministries will not rest to proclaim the Gospel to as many souls as possible through a wide variety of culturally relevant outreach programs in ways they can understand.  It is humbling to see how God uses the resources and talents of the Lutheran Hour Ministries to make His Gospel known.

Our prayer is for all of us to reach out, try that ‘new’ idea, talk to your neighbor, serve someone who is struggling and be thankful for that special someone that opens their heart.  Not just a catalyst for sharing the Gospel, but be an encourager and supporter of others as they grow in faith and service.  We are SENT to be a blessing to Christian brothers and sisters as well as a blessing to those that don’t know Jesus.  The key for our world is every Christian everywhere sharing the GOOD NEWS of Jesus Christ with people who have a heart for other people.

Thanks you so much for your faithful support and for allowing us to encourage you in your daily life.  Your decision to partner with the Lutheran Hour Ministries allows us to share the GOOD NEWS with more than 71 million people around the world.  Your gifts, donations and volunteer involvement allow hurting people to find answers and relief in the Gospel.  May God bless you richly in your Christian life.

The Lutheran Hour can be heard every Sunday on radio stations
WCCO (830 AM) at 6:05am
KRWC (1360 AM) at 7:30am
KDUZ   (1260 AM) at 12:30pm
KDHL (920 AM) at 6:00pm

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