LHM – May 2016 Message

What If Jesus Would Have Stayed? 

Have you ever asked that question?  If Jesus had remained on Earth, would He have silenced all the skeptics?  He might have healed all the diseases, fed all the hungry, and housed all the homeless.

Jesus worked many miracles to show God’s concern for all our daily struggles.  But Jesus didn’t become human just to set the world right.  Jesus will do that when He returns the second time on Judgment Day.  The first time He came to Earth, He came to set you and me right with God our Father.

Jesus had a full time job.  He was busy doing things necessary to remove the barrier between our Heavenly Father and us, you and me.  Jesus obeyed His father’s will perfectly, in His thoughts and actions.  He loved His Father with all His heart, all His mind, and His Soul and all His Strength.  And He was busy loving us, you and me, for all the times we fail in our lives. Jesus had to be absolutely perfect.  It was the way to make us, you and me, right with God.

But that was not enough.  So, Jesus took upon Himself our sins, all our sins and carried them to the Cross.  There He suffered and bore the full punishment of God, His Father, for all the forbidden things we now do and for all the good things we know we ought to do, but leave undone.  Jesus died on the cross for every single sin you have committed and will ever commit.

Because of Jesus’ suffering and death, God the Father is able to forgive us and accept us as His own children.  Because of Jesus’ glorious third day resurrection, death is swallowed up in life, and our eternal future is secured with God in Heaven.

That is why Jesus became human and came to Earth to live among us.  Jesus’ life gives our lives purpose and meaning; to live a life of peace, to love others as He loves us.

As Christians, you are part of what God is doing through the Lutheran Hour Ministries.  Your gifts and prayers make a very real impact.  Remember the Lutheran Hour Ministries and look forward to seeing how the Lord will work through us.

The Lutheran Hour can be heard every Sunday on radio stations

WCCO (830 AM)  at 6:05am         KRWC (1360 AM) at 7:30am
KDUZ (1260 AM) at 12:30pm       KDHL (920 AM)  at 6:00pm

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