LHM – July 2023 Message


After Jesus’ crucifixion, the Disciples were left rudderless and disorientated. They suffered great hardships, faced fierce opposition, and threatened with death. They continued to believe Jesus Christ was the Son of God, sent from Heaven to save us from our sins.  Peter was the movement’s first champion and insisted on restoring the Twelve”. The traitor, Judas was replaced by Matthias, a follower of John the Baptist.Peter told the first followers the cross is a solemn reminder of what our sins have done to Jesus.   The Twelve disciples were ”learners” who followed their teacher, Jesus, from town to town.  Jesus had given ”Marching Orders” to the disciples; take His Gospel and His message of forgiveness and salvation, share His love, and spread the word of faith to others.  They were given permission to go off on their own and preach His word.

The Twelve apostles, as messengers, were the chief missionaries of the Jesus movement.  They spent the rest of their lives telling others about Jesus.  They took Jesus’ command seriously, ”Go into all the.world and preach the Gospel to all creation. Baptize people in the Name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit”.

The Apostles set out, probably in small groups, to preach and to perform, on a smaller scale, many of the miraculous things Jesus did.   They healed people of physical and psychological ills, perhaps utilizing Jesus’ reputation, to gain acceptance of the new believers. They worshipped together daily to support one another and share their faith in Jesus. They prayed and shared meals in the new believer’s homes.  They pursued fellowship and love and commitment spread. 

They manifested their love for Jesus Christ into love for each other and drew people to Christ.  The Apostles spread Christianity from Jerusalem to Damascus, to Antioch, to Asia Minor. to Greece and to Rome.  Thomas went East, Syria and Iran maybe to India.  Paul’s journeys encompassed the Mediterranean.  James went to Spain, Matthews to Ethiopia and Bartholomew to Armenia.  This was the ”Big Bang” moment of Christianity, with the Apostles blasting out of Jerusalem and scattering across the known world.

The Disciples knew that following Jesus was never the easy path. They struggled as they followed Him.  Many people today struggle with a relationship with Christ and the Church.   Many people want spiritual entertainment.    Genuine relationships need conviction, commitment and mutual accountability    Our ministry within our congregation has an effect on our ministry in our community.  We need to heed the call of Jesus who says, ”Come and Follow Me” and focus on disciple-making.  After Pentecost, Jesus turned over the leadership for His Church to His ”trained” disciples.  They had focus on prayer that produced passionate spirituality.  Their prayer time together drew them closer to Christ and to one another.  The Holy Spirit was already at work.  .Your gifts and prayers have a very real impact on this ministry every day.   Remember The Lutheran Hour Ministries and look forward to seeing how the Lord will work through us..

The Lutheran Hour can be heard every Sunday on radio stations
WCCO (830 AM) at 6:05am
KRWC (1360 AM) at 7:30am
KDUZ   (1260 AM) at 12:30pm
KDHL (920 AM) at 6:00pm

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