LHM – January 2022 Message


Christmas gives us 12 days to focus on heaven coming to Earth. Jesus descended to Earth and our hearts, eyes, and voices are lifted to heaven. We learn the living hope to which we are called as we are baptized in the water. We have faith that will carry us through until the time Jesus calls us to His heavenly kingdom. We rejoice Jesus is in our hearts and in our lives. God speaks to us in love and mercy.

While the formal celebration of Christmas may be over, the season continues to the festival of Epiphany, January 6. This is a time to let the full meaning of the observance sink in. We dare not sell short the joy we know with the birth of Jesus. We can still sing, ”Joy to the World.” There is no reason to silence our song; if we do, our joy is not complete.
Joy is only complete when it is spread from person to person. The apostle John wrote to other Christians so that his joy would be united with that of others who understand what the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus mean. Although separated by distance and time, Christians share the joyous fellowship of the redeemed. May our joy be evident to all.

That joyous light continues to shine for us, our neighbors and our fellow Christians through all time and around the world. We continue to speak and sing about Jesus entering human history. Our joy becomes complete when it spreads from person to person as the love of Jesus fills our hearts, mouths and hands; and as we engage with the people around us. We raise our voices in a joyous song of praise.

The Lutheran Hour can be heard every Sunday on radio stations
WCCO (830 AM) at 6:05am
KRWC (1360 AM) at 7:30am
KDUZ   (1260 AM) at 12:30pm
KDHL (920 AM) at 6:00pm

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