LHM – September 2023 Message


Why does the Midwest love orchestras so much?    Theories range from its Lutheran heritage to long cold winters with nothing else to do.   The Midwest teems with tremendous orchestras, topnotch organizations like the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Cleveland Orchestra,  Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, the St. Paul Chamber Orchestra and the Minnesota Orchestra.  Even smaller towns tend to have robust symphonies and orchestras.  The Midwest doesn’t necessarily have more orchestras than other areas of the country but it seems to have bigger and more active ones.   The region has more orchestra revenue and assets per capita than anywhere else.

Why is the Midwest such a fertile ground for classical music?  What are the theories?  One answer might be Lutherans.    Deep classical music traditions from the hymns written by Martin Luther himself to the compositions of noted Lutheran composer Johann Sebastian Bach.   We have strong musical traditions in our churches, with singing by everyone throughout the services.  Music making in the church was a part of community life from the mid 1800’s through the invention of the radio.  A Minnesota church funeral had folks opening their mouths and singing perfect harmony.  Classical music overlaps with church music, waltzes, marches and oompa-pa music.   Every hamlet has one or more municipal bands.  You’re six   times more likely to run into a Lutheran in the Midwest These states tend to have more income and healthy style according to the IRS.

Classical music works deeply into its European roots; Scandinavian, German and all-around Baltic Sea heritage.  Climate conditions are similar in the Midwest.  There, for six months in the winter. is the coldest part of the country.  We find the most German and Scandinavian in this region and the largest per capita expanse of museums, theaters and orchestra conservatories. When it’s cold, we like to do nice things indoors. In a trend potentially related to the popularity of orchestra, we find that in Minnesota the word ‘conservatory is as favored as ”walleye  Midwesteners love the conservatory almost as much as their impressive love of classical music.

God is calling you to be a part of Lutheran Hour Ministries.  You can partner with L.H.M. today.  With your help, L.H.M. can move forward.       Your gifts and donations have a very real impact on this ministry every day. Lutheran Hour Ministries offers programs and resources to help lay people share the joy of Jesus Christ.  Visit L.H.M: lhm.org 

The Lutheran Hour can be heard every Sunday on radio stations
WCCO (830 AM) at 6:05am
KRWC (1360 AM) at 7:30am
KDUZ   (1260 AM) at 12:30pm
KDHL (920 AM) at 6:00pm

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