LHM – June 2017 Message

Could You Use a Shepherd?

So Jesus said to them, “Truly, I say to you, I am the door of the sheep. All who come before Me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep did not hear them. I am the door; if anyone enters through me, he will be saved, and he will go in and go out and find pasture.” John chapter 10.

Jesus called Himself, “the door of the sheep”. He was talking about life. He was talking about grace in life. He was talking about His help, His leadership, and His faithfulness to us. He was talking about the undeserved love of God in your life. How can you be sure? Jesus said, “I am the door of the sheep”. He put Himself into the story.

Many people who don’t know Jesus need to know and remember God’s grace is the answer for them. Do not forget your humble beginnings. You were the one who was lost, but you are the one who is now found. God’s grace is the answer for you. You are here to share the Good News of God’s grace in Jesus with those who are still lost. Jesus Himself is the door. Jesus Himself is the friend of sinners. He is the hope of the world. He calls you to form friendships that will less people with new life.

Do you love to hear Psalm 23? Do you love hearing, “The Lord is my Shepherd, He leads me beside still waters and He restores my soul?” Listen about the tender loving care given by God, as it is expressed in the Shepherd verses of the Bible. It is beautiful and refreshing.

A good number of followers are fairly dedicated and mature followers. Give thanks to God, many are new in your faith or are exploring Jesus for the first time. Rejoice in what the Holy Spirit is doing in your life and pray that you know and receive the abundant grace of God. This grace will transform your life now and forever. If you don’t know Jesus, know the Good News. He died for you and He brings you new and everlasting life.

Friends in Christ, today Jesus puts Himself into your story again. He says to all people, both the new and the mature in faith. “I am YOUR door; I am your Good Shepherd.” “Do you remember Me?” Your life is full, it’s abundant; not because you have accumulated years, but because you have received God’s wondrous grace. Don’t let the thieves of grace break into your life. Remember that the Jesus sheep story in John chapter 10 is your story because Jesus is the story for you.

As Christians, you are part of what God is doing through The Lutheran Hour Ministries. Your gifts and prayers make a very real impact on this ministry each day. Remember The Lutheran Hour Ministries and look forward to seeing how the Lord will work through us.

The Lutheran Hour can be heard every Sunday on radio stations

WCCO (830 AM) at 6:05am KRWC (1360 AM) at 7:30am
KDUZ (1260 AM) at 12:30pm KDHL (920 AM) at 6:00pm

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