LHM – June 2014 Message


A pastor asked a six year old girl in his congregation whether she wanted a baby brother or a baby sister. The little girl’s mother must have spent some time discussing the possibilities with her because of the reply. The young girl sighed, and responded in … Continue Reading

Silent Auction

It is time to bring in Silent Auction items for Maifest!  Your donation items can be brought to church any time from now until May 4th.  These items can be placed on or by the table at the back of the fellowship hall (downstairs).  Items that work well for baskets … Continue Reading

LHM – May Message


The Savior has already done great things for you by living, suffering, dying and rising for your Salvation.  But don’t think for a moment, that His rising from the dead is the end of His caring.  He wants you to come to Him with your big worries … Continue Reading