LHM – August 2019 Message

Prayer is a widespread practice.  Jewish people pray, Christians pray, Muslims pray, Buddhists pray and even 30% of those people who do not believe in God pray.  Prayer is a time to talk.  It is kind of a conversation that you would have with someone.  What makes a conversation work … Continue Reading

LHM – July 2019 Message

Rivers and Trees

Ancient Jerusalem was not a city of plush lawns and tall shady trees.  A drainage ditch ran through the middle of the city.  Anything that ran into it, rainwater, trash, etc. eventually ran into the Dead Sea.  Ancient cities tended to use the nearby trees for building … Continue Reading

LHM – June 2019 Message


Breaking bread together is a good picture of fellowship.  When people share life and depend upon each other, that fellowship.  Rather than valuing privacy and independence, fellowship is possible by a bond of self-giving love.  This love is on display in the once-and-for-all sacrifice of Jesus.  By the power … Continue Reading

LHM – May 2019 Message

The Cross of Christ

The life and ministry of Jesus is central to the Christian Faith.  His teachings, healings and miracles are recounted throughout the Bible.  His death on a cross, however is a curiosity to many.  Was it necessary to go out with such a dreadful spectacle as crucifixion?  … Continue Reading