LHM – May 2020 Message

The Great 50 Days of Easter

Easter Sunday is not just the start of the week; it is the beginning of a whole new creation.  Easter Sunday is the day the symbolizes eternity and the resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Surely the first disciples experienced pure joy with Jesus’ rising from … Continue Reading

LHM – April 2020 Message


Taking a familiar seat each Sunday, a worshiper might easily take the bright vestments, altar clothes and banners for granted or not understand the real purpose.  Yes, the decorations are pretty, but are important.  The liturgical colors set the mood.  The colors take us through the … Continue Reading


In compliance with the recommendations of Gov. Tim Walz concerning the COVID -19 pandemic. The Elders of St Peter’s have decided to suspend worship services until further notice.  Members are encouraged to follow the recommendations of the Governor and observe social distancing.

If you would like to send a donation or offering to the church, you may contribute … Continue Reading