St. Peter Lutheran Church is having a garage sale!
Wednesday and Thursday, Sept 21-22: 8:00 am – 7:00 pm
Friday, Sept 23: 8:00 am – Noon
*Please DO NOT bring any items for the sale to the church before the week of September 18th.
*NO entertainment centers, TV’s, or computers. If you have something that you are not sure if it will be ok to bring, please ask Billie or Sue FIRST!
*Please bring your items priced, EXCEPT clothes.
*Set your donations on the tables by like items. If you have time to help, that would be greatly appreciated.
*HELP will be needed in setting up the tables, getting the sale ready, workers during the sale, and help cleaning up afterwards.
*If you have grocery bags (plastic or paper) and newspapers or packing paper, those can be brought the week of the sale.
*Also looking for baked goods during the sale, as those are always popular with the shoppers.
More information to come as we get closer—listen for announcements at church and information in the bulletin.