LHM – October 2024 Message


Some people feel a lot of guilt about sins they have committed and find it difficult to believe they can be forgiven.  Others are concerned if they die with unconfessed sins, then those sins will remain unforgiven.  Even for individuals that have been followers of Jesus for a long time, the weight of their guilt can be a heavy burden.  For some believers this can be a major obstacle for them becoming a Christian for they think they are not good enough for God to forgive them and love them.

It’s critical believers  have strong faith and are confident in the gift of God’s grace to encourage and lift up those who feel weighed down. They need to be reminded that God is love that He is compassionate. and is merciful and has chosen to save sinners through faith in Jesus, not to pour out His anger on them.  One the benefits of having close relationships with other Christians is that we can encourage and build each other up.   Giving one another comfort and assurance of God’s care, of His forgiveness and His promise that we will live with Him forever.  Is there someone who needs your words of comfort and encouragement today?  Don’t hesitate to build them up.

Studying the Bible is critical for us to grow in our faith and understanding of God, but we need to do more than simply learn what the Bible says.  God gave us His laws as directions for how we are to live our lives.  He intends us to actually do what He says.  God does not mean for His laws to bea burden to us, to follow out of fear of His judgement, but to be the way for us to experience liberty, peace and joy.  When we look at ourselves in a mirror, we can see the dirt and smudges on our face.

If we go away and forget what the mirror showed us, then we will never clean our face.  If we read the Bible and then go out and live our lives the way we want, forgetting what God has told us, then we are deceiving ourselves. However, if we persevere in doing what He tells us to do and avoid what He commands us not to do, then we will experience His blessing.  We are wise if we are doers of His word and not hearers only.

When it comes to matters of faith, we are to trust in God’s word.  This is a constant struggle because of the continued presence of sin in our lives.  Our relationship with God is based on faith.   By faith we acknowledge God is the Creator of the heavens and the earth.  By faith we believe He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, to die for our sins.  By faith we trust in the Lord and not on our own understanding.  We have this faith knowing that though we may fall short, God’s power, mercy and love will never fall short.  Faith is free.

It is important that we nourish our faith.  Stay in the word, read the Bible, gather with other believers, and   pray regularly.   As Christians, it is important to guard our faith so as not to be swayed by society.  May our faith in God increase, so that we may lead lives pleasing to Him.

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The Lutheran Hour can be heard every Sunday on radio stations
WCCO (830 AM) at 6:05am
KRWC (1360 AM) at 7:30am
KDUZ   (1260 AM) at 12:30pm
KDHL (920 AM) at 6:00pm

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