LHM – July 2024 Message

Selfless Sending

In the book of Acts, we see an ancient city called Antioch.  Located in what is now, Turkey, Antioch was the third largest city of the Roman Empire.  It was on the important east-west trade route with people from all over, Persians, Greeks, Africans, and Jews.  These citizens of Antioch observed a growing and diverse new community in their city.  They didn’t know what to make of it.  It was diverse: it was multi-cultural and it crossed race and language.  Who are they?   The citizens called them the ” Little Christ’‘.  It was probably derogatory. That label did not improve status.  It did not earn respect.  It did not increase your wealth, your power or your reputation.  To be called a Little Christ recalled the origin of the faith.  The Christ, a Jew who claimed to be the Messiah, and executed as a criminal by Roman crucifixion.   

His death on the cross was adopted by the little Christs.  His gruesome death was actually a payment for the sins of the world. In Antioch. His disciples were called Christians.   Non-Christians recognized a new kind of people with their belief in Jesus of Nazareth. Some of them claimed to have seen Him alive after His crucifixion.  It was a radical unity that brought them together and the faith spread.  All are known now by the name Christian, and belong to the Christ, In the Name of Jesus Christ, the One who transferred  us from the darkness into His kingdom of light.  The cross has become the logo.  For in the cross, we see the selflessness of the God, the Godwho sends that the lost might be found, who gives that we might gain, who pays that we might be forgiven.

We live in a world of self-interest. Where does the spirit of selfless sending come from?   Where is it today?  How do I live selflessly? The answer is in our name, Christian, only in Christ.   Christ is for you and with you and in you. The Christian spirit of Antioch continues in the church today because Christ is with us.  Your Savior has given you great things, and now something great is asked of you.  What will you sacrifice in Jesus’ name?  Will you pray for a neighbor?  Will you support a missionary?  Will you walk with a friend through suffering?  The road to selfless sending requires sacrifice.  This is the Spirit of Antioch.

The Holy Spirit serves as our divine GPS, guiding us in making decisions and helping us navigate the complexities of life.  The Holy Spirit is not an ”it’‘, but a divine and loving presence in the lives of believers. We can lean on the Holy Spirit for wisdom and guidance.  We experience a deeper connection and a greater sense of purpose as we reach out selflessly to others offering teaching and comfort. As Christians, you are part of what God is doing through the Lutheran Hour Ministries.  Your gifts and prayers make a very real impact on this ministry every day.   Remember the Lutheran Hour Ministries and look forward to seeing how God will work through us.

The Lutheran Hour can be heard every Sunday on radio stations
WCCO (830 AM) at 6:05am
KRWC (1360 AM) at 7:30am
KDUZ   (1260 AM) at 12:30pm
KDHL (920 AM) at 6:00pm

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