LHM – January 2025 Message


The Advent season is rich with feelings of longing and prayerful bidding for a newness. The Advent hymn most known  ”O Come, O Come Emmanuel” was published in 1856 but based on singing from the 9th century. It was sung daily during the  week before Christmas.  Advent is the season of hope, peace and love.  This is God’s message for us to continue to share.  Comfort others and tell people the good news.  Hope is action and can transform the lives of others and our own.  Advent is the sign for us to prepare for the coming  of Christ.

By the 6th century, most churches had adopted December 25  to celebrate Jesus Christ’s birth. But many people thought the manifestation of God was just too big to contain in one day. and so did many churches. The Church extended the celebration of God’s coming to twelve days.  So leave the decorations and bright lights up . Your true love will be busy; shopping for that partridge, two doves, three hens, 4 birds, five rings six geese and more. The thirteenth day of Christmas is the Epiphany.. The day we celebrate as Jesus meets the world.   The Gentile  Christmas because Jesus knew only Jewish folk  Mary and Joseph were Jewish. The Priests were Jewish, so were the shepherds. The Magi, three wise men from the East, were dedicated scholars and had seen much of life.  They did not think of themselves as too grand or too elite to humbly bow down and worship the Christ Child.  With God’s guidance, they were led on the first ”Star Trek”.   It was right to set the precedent  of all Christmas presents.  The Wise Men were honored to offer the heaven-sent King their gifts of glittering gold,  fragrant frankincense, and perfumed myrrh.   Nice, but maybe three wise women would have brought items a family with a new baby could really use.  The three Wise Men  teach us a lesson; they followed where God led them.   Can we follow God’s direction? Jesus calls us to follow him. Jesus has all the power in Heaven and on Earth, but He leads us gently.  God’s gift to us is the opportunity to share in the service of God’s people. Let us remember our own baptism to draw comfort, confidence and courage,  Let us live a blessed life and  hear His words.  Let the words of our mouth and  heart be pleasing to the Lord.  We embrace God’s gift  to us wholeheartedly.

The Lutheran Hour can be heard every Sunday on radio stations
WCCO (830 AM) at 6:05am
KRWC (1360 AM) at 7:30am
KDUZ   (1260 AM) at 12:30pm
KDHL (920 AM) at 6:00pm

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