Date(s) - 11/15/20
9:00 am - 10:00 am
On Saturday, October 10th, I had the privilege of attending The Great Minnesota South Mission Get-Together held at Mayer Lutheran High School. It felt great to be among my LWML (Lutheran Women’s Missionary League) sisters and brothers once again. It has been a long time in coming especially during this Covid-19 culture that we are living in.
The Proclaimer for the service was Rev. William Utech who is the LCMS MN South District Assistant to the President, Missions. Matthew 28:16-20 is The Great Commission given by Christ. Rev Utech had a different approach to these verses in particular: He (Jesus Christ) is the Lord of Harvest, but our focus needs to be on the grain that is not harvested in our world. Is there somebody that is close to you that does not believe in Jesus Christ as their Savior? Do we begin with who we are living with? Family? Friends? Classmates? Or do we only think of the far reaches of Africa as our Mission Field? The church is God’s means for accomplishing God’s Mission. The local church (that includes us at St. Peter Lutheran Church, Watertown) is the Hope of the world.
On November 15 we will once again celebrate LWML Sunday. On this day we will once again come together in praise and worship for all that God has done for us, especially through our mites that we have collected through the year(s). If you are looking to broaden your horizons and branch out into our local community, feel free to touch base with me at any time. I have a few ideas and would like to be out there volunteering. If you have questions or would just like to chat, my home phone number is 952-955-2836. Thanks, Ruth Bury
St Peter Lutheran Church