Pastor: Doug Davis
President: Dale Muhs
Vice-President: Brenda Dressel
Secretary: Betty Larson
Treasurer: Lisa Jewison
Church Secretary:
Brenda Dressel
Board of Elders:
Ken Dressel
Board of Finance:
Ruth Bury
Dave Heldt
Stewardship Board:
Ron Gust
Board of Property Management:
Rick Burbank
Choir Director / Organist:
Betty Larson
Board of Education:
John Mosher
Lutheran High Delegates:
Ruth Bury
Sunday School Superintendent:
Jodene Heldt
Youth Ministry:
Lexi Heldt
Cemetery Board:
Dale Muhs
John and Julie Jopp
LCEF Representative:
Ken Dressel
Mission Society:
Ruth Bury
Brenda Dressel
Jeff Jewison
If you wish to contact someone from this list, please call the office at (952) 955-1679, or send an email to: