LHM – July 2014 Message

We Are

To receive and live the Christian life, one must be gifted!  To accomplish the mission of Christ, to share His love with the world, one must be gifted, and we are!  The Christian is one who is given to by a gracious Savior through the gifts of Word and Sacrament that He delivers for us and for our salvation.  When you know and believe in God by faith in Jesus Christ, His perfect love overcomes your sin and temptation, and when it comes to living in grace, His perfect love for you drives out fears and uncertain feelings.  By faith in Jesus, there is confidence that He is risen, ascended, and reigns now and that confidence can be for all who trust in Him.

It is Jesus, our living Lord and Savior who is the enduring, empowering reference for our life, for salvation, and for mission.  By faith in Jesus, we can be about the tasks of sharing His Good News to others.  We know that whatever we face, it is merely a challenge that becomes an opportunity to love others as God in Christ loves us.  We cannot be stopped, we cannot be defeated.  Fear subsides in knowing Christ is always there.  Its Jesus, it’s always been about Jesus.  He who loves you, who loves me; the One who loves us all.

Whenever you’re sharing thoughts about God with others, then remember it’s about how strong Jesus is as your Lord and Savior, as their Lord and Savior, too.  Life in His Name is to be lived with His gifts, His blessings in all things.  When you hear God’s Word, when you receive communion in His Name, you might say it is like receiving the kiss of grace from God.  That’s living life in the power of the Name.

That’s Christ’s invitation to you today.  That’s Christ’s mission through you for others.  The need has never been greater, His promises never more sure!  In a spirit of confidence promised by His name, let’s get to living life in the power of the Name of the Father, Son and Spirit for us all.

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